Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fall into Autumn TOW#4

How about you? Are there any recipes you especially enjoy having in the Fall? Any foods that are seasonal that you especially enjoy? As Fall arrives, I tend to turn more to slow foods. I don't mind having the stove or oven on when it finally cools off so I enjoy making more things that can roast or bake in the oven. I don't have a favorite meal specifically but I do enjoy making a homemade lasagna recipe that I got out of the Everyday Food magazine by Martha Stewart. It is fairly easy, and you get a warm homemade lasagna with sausage and homemade tomato sauce. If you want more details on the recipe just let me know. I hope you are all well and knitting like crazy :)

1 comment:

AllyB said...

Hey! It's me your sign.